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P. Craig Hobar, MD
4633 N. Central Expy, Suite 200, Dallas TX 75205 |972-566-3001

Facial Implants

Top Doctor Certifications

Genioplasty and Facial Implants Dallas & Fort Worth, TX

People with strong facial bone structure age more gracefully than those with weaker bone structure. There are many classic consequences of inadequate bone structure. The negative vector is a term given to individuals with weak support of their midface region. This results in premature aging of the lower eyelids and midface and presents a difficult challenge for the cosmetic surgeon. Patients with small chins are predisposed to accelerated aging in their lower face and neck regions. Patients with weak cheekbones are prone to premature aging in their midface, lower eyelids, nasolabial folds and jowl areas. Not only are patients with weak bone structure prone to premature aging appearances, but they frequently lack the definition and character that is associated with beauty. Think of the high cheekbones many of the beautiful actresses, or the striking, defined lower jawline that characterizes the faces of models that frequent fashion magazines. Dr. Hobar has a special interest in evaluating bone structure when he is considering facial rejuvenation procedures in a patient.According to Dr. Hobar: 

“Bone structure is critical to beauty and youthfulness. In keeping with my philosophy of tightening the supporting structures to rejuvenate the skin in the most effective and natural way, it all starts with bone structure. The bone is the foundation of the muscles and fascia, which in turn are the supporting structure of the skin. You start deep and work your way to the skin. That way the skin is maximally rejuvenated without ever looking pulled or unnatural. This is not to say everyone with imperfect facial bone structure has to have an implant, but it should be understood as a factor in the aging process”.

Some patients may be excellent candidates for an implant alone, whereas in others, it is a powerful adjunct to facelift, neck lift or midface lift.

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Thank You!

After 31 years, Dr. Hobar has retired from surgical practice to become a fulltime husband and grandfather (and maybe play a little softball).
He is extrordinarily thankful to all of his patients who will give him lifetime memories to carry with him on this next phase of his journey.
Dr. Hobar will remain actively involved with LEAP Global Missions which he founded with his wife in 1991 and which has provided free surgical care for nearly 10,000 patients worldwide.

If you would like more information about LEAP Global Missions or make a contribution to their efforts, please click here. Dr. Hobaris referring patients to Dr. Evan Beale. Dr. Hobar has known and worked with Dr. Beale for many years and has the utmost faith and trust in him. According to Dr. Hobar: "Dr. Beale is an amazing surgeon, husband, father, colleague and leader in LEAP Global Missions. I will not only rely on him to provide the best possible care for my former patients but to also provide care for my family if we ever need it".

Matthew 22:39