Since I became a plastic surgeon twenty four years ago, the field of skin rejuvenation has changed radically. It has grown from a position where the large market was dominated by cosmetic companies selling their products in drugstores and department stores to one that has been greatly influenced by scientific advances in the dermatology, biochemistry and plastic surgery. There are products today that if used appropriately and consistently can greatly improve the texture and color of skin as it changes over time and from external forces such as the environment and lifestyle choices.The revolution that injectables has brought to plastic surgery in general has benefited my patients. We are able to use products such as Botox®, Juvederm® Ultra Plus, Juvederm® Volume XC and Belotero Balance® to offer patients beautiful, natural results that enhance their image, self confidence and subsequently their quality of life. While these options do not enact permanent results, they are available to a larger group of people because they are an economical option – in terms of dollars and recovery time – in contrast to cosmetic surgery. Frequently they allow patients to wait longer before undergoing a major facial rejuvenation surgery and they have the added bonus of enabling people to get a sense for how much they would enjoy the results of cosmetic surgery.
New lasers are introduced to the market with amazing speed and “old” lasers (still less than a few years, but ancient in this field) are constantly being improved, re-calibrated and fine tuned to produce better results with less risk and recovery time. In surgery, I am able to provide my patients with a skin rejuvenation laser by Fraxel called the Re:pair® that does an incredible job of improving skin texture, tone and the appearance of fine lines.
I am excited that at this point in my career I have the resources and expertise to safely guide my patients as they navigate the huge market of skin rejuvenation. We have truly come light years in a short time. I encourage you to visit with us about the various options we have for you.